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Ancestral Wealth

 Last night I had an intense dream.  Not quite a nightmare but close.

I was being violently and repeatedly attacked by someone who was trying to force me to submit.
Beaten again and again to force me to keep my silence.I h
To keep the secrets secret.
To keep closet doors shut with the skeletons safely inside.
I chose to stand my ground.
In the end, I just stood there counting each time I was hit.  
I felt no anger…
no hurt.
Just a calm resolve to keep standing, no matter what.
Sometimes we need to do this.  
Just stand our ground for something we believe in.
No anger,
No resentment,
Just a calm resolve to stand no matter what.
It’s taken me a long time to come to this place in myself.  It had required a lot of “shadow work” and personal growth.
Because to be completely calm in the face of another's rage and forceful attempts to silence me (whether real or perceived) requires me, to be really clear in myself.
Unravelling sticky threads of attachment, desire for belonging, places where I leak integrity and also knowing my own strength.
Knowing that I won’t die if I’m outcast and 
knowing that sometimes the Truth needs to be shared for reasons beyond myself. 
I’m in the final stages of re-editing my chapter for the Women Gone Wild Wealth edition.  
My chapter is on "Ancestral Wealth" and how we carry the stories of those who came before us in our bones, via the science of intergenerational Epigenetics.
This is something I work with myself and with clients in my longer program: Align to Your Genetic Genius & Actualise Your Soul Purpose.
I have had to do this again recently for myself as I untangle threads of an earlier version of myself and embrace this new one.
It’s been a deeply uncomfortable but incredibly freeing process.
In understanding how this process works we can not only alchemise ancestral trauma but actually draw on traits that our ancestors have embodied (ones that lie latent in us) in order to go to the next level in life.
Alchemising ancestral trauma can be tricky, sticky and uncomfortable.  
Family loyalty can create internal and external conflict.  Secrets can carry shame, pain, guilt & grief that needs to be held and healed. 
Very often the skeletons do not want to come out of the cupboard.
But when we can open the cupboard doors and hold those skeletons with love and compassion we often discover that they dissolve.  Released from their own bondage a ripple of relief floods out bathing everyone before and after in the family line with a soothing balm of freedom.
I can’t wait for the re-release of this book.  I can’t wait to feel her pages and to read her carefully crafted words.
I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to re-visit my chapter.  I have completely overhauled my story with the help of my editor at Brown Books Publishing and it feels incredible.  
Stay Tuned.


Ready to optimise your life?


Check these offerings & see if we could be a match made in heaven:


Personal Body-Genius Profiling

A potent 1:1 kickstarter program for people ready to up-level by tapping into the brilliance of epigenetic & hormonal profiling.  



Relationship Translation

Fusing epigenetics & relationship dynamics. Basically, I translate how you & significant others (couples, parents, teams):

  • Value different things,
  • Have different priorities,
  • Run on different body clocks,
  • Have different mental & emotional needs & responses due to their dominant hormone; &
  • How to work with this for harmonious relationship flow where everyone gets to feel validated, liberated & celebrated.



Align & Actualise


One for the visionaries!

  This is for those epic humans who have a clear mission & purpose & are ready to do what it takes to make that vision a reality...think Gina Chick from Alone Australia SBS TV.

A longer term container based on epigenetic & hormonal profiling + everything else I've ever explored all available to support you in Aligning with your genetic Genius so you can Actualise your soul purpose.

*Available by application only.

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